At the time that information is becoming increasingly valuable, education is considered the major role embodies the strength and the overall development of a country.
Ranking of the country has the best education in the year 2022 is drawn from a global survey with more than 17,000 people about the questions related to the public education system, well developed or not, whether people are considering attending college or not when that country has universities in top quality. From the data compiled by US News has results in 10 countries have the best education.
1.United States the leading countries with the education system of extremely high quality. Students from kindergarten to 18 years old can learn in public school, private school or home education. According to data of the Institute of international Education (IIE) and The U.s. department of state has just launched, universities, colleges in the united states has welcomed 948.519 international students in the academic year 2021-2022, up 3.8% compared to academic year 2020-2021.
2.United Kingdom is a country with developed education and Monday the world. According to BritishEdu, the country received very positive feedback about the education system. 97% of colleges, the university is said to be enough to meet demand or more than that; 88% of students are satisfied about educational experience; 93% of high school students evaluate the quality of teaching, research.
On the economic front, He is also a country whose education is expensive. The total amount spent on education is 99 billion pounds, accounting for 4.5% of national income.
3. German the most populous country in the European union, possesses one of the largest economies in the world and has witnessed his role in the international community is increasing since the unification. National Central Europe it borders with 9 countries and have many different landscapes, from the plains to the north extends to the North sea and the Baltic sea to the mountains Bavarian Alps in the south.
Germany education quite special. Elementary school student in this country lasted only 4 years. Then, students have to choose the type of secondary school in accordance with the needs and capabilities. In the evaluation process, the score is calculated on a scale of 6, with 1 being the highest.
For international students, Germany is an ideal destination. With the university, the public school for the entire school free for students. With the universal, the total average amount a student has to pay greater than other countries in the OECD, while the ratio of GDP lower back (4,3% compared to a 4.9%). In addition, the amount of state investment in education also tend to increase in the past 10 years.
4. Canada accounted for about 2/5 area of the North American continent, become the national large Monday in the world after Russia. This country is sparsely populated, with most of 35.5 million residents live within 125 miles from the U.s. border. The vast wilderness of Canada in the north played a large role in Canadian identity, as well as to the English welcome immigrants of the country.
Canada is a country situated north America. Elementary school students and middle school students in the public schools of this country is for 100% of the tuition fee. In contrast, the cost for the private school every year falls at about 3,100 – $ 20,000.
Canada tend to heavily investment in education. On average, every student of this country are invested 11.854 USD, corresponding to 6% of GDP. A reason to help Canada, located in the top 4 education development in the world is the quality of faculty. This is an industry quite competitive in the country, with high salaries come with requirements, qualifications, experience.
5. French: Located in Western Europe, France is one of the oldest countries in the world and reach of its global expansion through science, politics, economics and perhaps above all, culture.
Famous French with high quality, rich in the type of training, classified students according to interests, academic. French education orientation very good for the students from secondary school. Children from 6 to 16 years of age in France while going to school will be the state provide complete tuition money, the family will only have to charge the parents of students to purchase school supplies, books for the children cost about 80 Eu a year.
6. Switzerlandthe official name is the Swiss confederation, is a country in Central Europe is made up of 16,000 square miles of mountains, Alps, lakes and valleys carved by glaciers. This is one of the richest countries in the world and was famous in the centuries of neutrality.
In general, education in Switzerland not too expensive as in the Uk and the Usa. The public schools are the state and the self-management support to 90% of the cost. One thing special in Switzerland is teacher ratio men superior to women (56% versus 44%).
The Swiss population is not completely pursuing the model of early education for children 2-7 years old, as in France. In the university system, Switzerland has a total of 12 markets, including 10 markets in the management of the state. 2 federal institute of technology concentrated training in engineering, architecture and bachelor's degree are highly appreciated around the world.
7. Japaneseone of the national qualified technical and most civilized in the world, is a country in East Asia and is made up of four main islands. While most of Japan is covered by mountains and the wooded area, then approximately 126 million people of this country have urban lifestyle pronounced. Influenced culture, the oldest, from the neighboring countries, today this country blend ancient traditions with aspects of Western life.
Japan is Asian countries, only one in this list. In Japan, elementary school lasts 6 years, level 2 and level 3 (not mandatory) both lasted 3 years. A year 3 semester started on the day of the lecture 7/4 and have 3 vacation summer, spring, winter.
Schools in Japan do not have employees work. The campus will be taken care of by the students after lunch time. After school hours, the school organized many types of clubs from sports (basketball, volleyball, judo...) to culture (choir, drama,...)
8. Swedish Vintage, borders Norway to the west and the Baltic Sea in the east, extending over much of the peninsula Scandinavians and is one of the largest country in the European union by area of land. The capital Stockholm is claimed in the 16th century, and the border dispute throughout the Middle ages has shaped the country today.
Secondary education in Sweden is divided into 3 levels. The first step for children from 1-5 years old get ready for school. Notches Monday is the single mandatory for students from 6-14 years of age. End rank this school's Math test, and language (English & Swedish) for admission into secondary school. Level of study this end is split into 3 categories: public-oriented university and orientation apprenticeship.
Trong 10 năm qua, Thụy Điển đã có nhiều thay đổi được cho là đem lại kết quả tích cực. Trong bài đánh giá định kỳ của OECD, học sinh nước này đạt điểm trên mức trung bình ở cả ba môn toán học, đọc hiểu và khoa học. Đất nước này cũng đưa công nghệ vào chương trình giảng dạy. Trên 93% học sinh trong bậc học bắt buộc biết và sử dụng Internet cho việc học (theo
9. Australia: This country consists of several islands, most notably Tasmania. Indigenous people have occupied this land for at least 40,000 years before the first settlements of the English in the 18th century.
To 2/2021, Australia has a total of 9.542 market and more than 4 million students. Families tend to attend private schools, with a ratio of increase of 9.5% in the past 5 years. In school, there are up to 81% teacher level 1 and 61%, teacher, level 2, dominant superior to the teacher (according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics).
Australia is also an ideal destination for international students. Before the pandemic, the country has 738.107 students, increased by 60% compared with 2015. Australia earned 37,6 billion from international students, with 1/3 is China (according to Study in Australia). Australian universities are also gradually opened its doors to international students back.
10. Netherlands: Located along the edge of Western Europe, the Netherlands is a coastal lowlands have many windmills characterized for its development around the water. Three major rivers of Europe – the Rhine, Meuse and Schelde – flow through the neighboring Germany and Belgium to pour into the ports of this vibrant country.
In this country, besides public schools often see, there are many schools level 1, level 2 bilingual for students wishing to learn English from an early age. The netherlands is also the country most proficient in the use of English as a language of Monday.
Therefore, this country welcomes large number of international students each year. Under the support of government, the tuition fees of the university only from 1.900 EUR (for EU countries) and up to 6,000 EUR (for countries outside the EU). The fields in the Netherlands incredibly diverse with a college degree is recognized all over the world.