Overview of Grenada

  • Grenada is an island country located in the Caribbean sea consisting of a main island and six smaller islands, located near the Grenadines. Geolocation Grenada is located northwest of Trinidad & Tobago, northeast of Venezuela and southwest of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
  • The tourism industry's main currency of this island nation by the mild climate and natural landscape, rich in diversity. Grenada has the education system British standard, medical background, best Caribbean region along with tax rates extremely incentives for investors to business work. 

> 344 Km 2

~113.790 people

St. George

Primary language:


Records may include:
- Wife/ husband Children under 30 years of age;
-Parents and grandparents depends any age; 
- Brother/Sister/Brother (applicant's primary or spouse dependent applicant): over 18 years of age, not married and no children.

Allows investor-owned dual citizenship.

Processing time profile quickly in just 8-12 months whole family get citizenship of Grenada.

Does not require foreign language proficiency education and management experience.

Does not require the residence time in Grenada to maintain citizenship.

Is visa-free travel to over 140 countries around the world.

Investors eligible can apply for E-2 visas for permanent residency in the united states.

Right to live and work legally in the countries of the Caricom.

All in one